Your Journey to gain the tea room bragging rights starts right here… maybe even the bragging rights of Yorkshire! This is the start of your journey to the BEST Team Building experience at the Bradford Dragon Boat Festival!
Dragon Boat racing is an exceptional team building experience with its natural progression through the early rounds, gaining more information, techniques and tips through the day to really make your team of 17 come together achieving one common goal!
The teams very quickly establish that team work is essential to increase the speed of their boat!
They will need to overcome all obstacles to get the best and most from each team member.
Will they go slow and steady for perfect timing, brute force for the length of the race and decide if they can keep this up? Who has the best rhythm and timing and where to place each other to optimise their strengths?
An effective means to bring individuals together from different educational and social backgrounds and orient them to a common goal. The success of an organisation depends largely on the trust between employees and their teamwork, dragon boating lets the workforce move together as one meaning they have to be in time with each other and rely on the whole team.
Most importantly it’s great FUN.
These are just a few of the many benefits the Bradford Dragon Boat Festival can bring to your company! It really is a day when all genders of all ages merge together as one to compete, race and have fun. This is the only sport that can offer this all on a level playing field where no previous experience is required!!
The Bradford Dragon Boat Festival is also an ideal setting for brand awareness or to enable your corporate social responsibility, it is all about you and your brand with many corporate options and packages for you to take advantage of including:
- An online presence
- Boat branding
- Battle flags
These are just a few examples but please feel free to get in touch with us for further information.
You may be asking yourself what more could this day possible offer?…Well there is more!
As well as all the above mentioned of CSR and Team building there is also the opportunity for networking with other local businesses and the community, fundraising for a charity or great cause of your choice, Challenge races and not to forget FUN.
Yes Challenge races I hear you say?… We can arrange for your company to have a “challenge race” with other companies in the third round of racing, you can challenge your colleagues or other companies to have this grudge match between you to see who comes away with the bragging rights of the office.
Your head-to-head teams will be seeded so they don’t meet during the early heats and only come together in the last qualifying heat for what will then be, your own inter-company head-to-head challenge. Let the battle commence.